Meet Catrina and Twana Wilson
Catrina and Twana Wilson, better known as the Dynamic Duo and Powerhouse Couple, are Best-Selling Authors, Transformational Speakers, Career Transition Coaches and Consultants and Start-up Business Experts.
From barely surviving to thriving, unemployment to self-employment, and struggling to success, Catrina and Twana founded Shared Visions By CaTwa, as a vehicle to educate, guide, support and empower aspiring women entrepreneurs all around the globe, to invest in themselves by building businesses, so they can change their economic status and take control of their destiny, create generational wealth, live a holistic abundant life and create a memorable legacy.
Catrina and Twana are catalysts for change, they have an avid interest in the betterment of communities worldwide, and they have genuine concern about societal issues that impact the nation. They are on a mission to breathe life into the vision of women who crave transformation, who want to transition out of Corporate America to start a high-end, online, service-based business that is in alignment with their passion and purpose, and to encourage them to walk in their awesomeness at any age.